KOBI-TV is hosting the only 2018 Gubernatorial election debate outside of Portland in Medford.
The Governor and Oregon’s State Agencies have the authority to deny permits and stop the proposed Pacific Connector Pipeline and Jordan Cove LNG export terminal. Will you join us on Thursday for a rally at the debate to help show that communities in southern Oregon stand united against Jordan Cove?
When: Thursday, October 4 at 6 pm
Where: Meet at Vogel Plaza, march to KOBI-TV
The Pacific Connector Pipeline is a proposed 229-mile pipeline that would take fracked gas sourced from the Rocky mountains from Malin to Coos Bay, where it would be liquefied and exported from a giant new facility called the Jordan Cove LNG Export terminal.
This pipeline and fracked gas export project would:
–Trample the rights of landowners through use of eminent domain
-Disturb tribal territories and burial grounds
-Threaten nearly 500 waterways, including Medford’s public drinking water source
-Put existing jobs in fishing, tourism, and other sectors at risk
–Drive up domestic energy prices
-Become the largest source of climate pollution in Oregon, undermining action to transition to renewable energy
Learn more about the campaign to #stopJordanCove: www.noLNGexports.org