McLeod-Skinner / Walden Debate Viewing
Monday, November 5, 2018 @ 10:00 AM
Rogue Community College
RWC Student Center, 3345 Redwood Highway, Grants Pass
Event Open to All
Join the RCC Rainbow Club as we view the debate between District 2 Candidates Jamie McLeod-Skinner and Greg Walden. The debate happened in October and was aired at a local television station in Bend, Oregon.
We’ll show the debate on the big screen and have time for questions/answers afterward.
Local representatives from the campaigns have been invited as well as local representatives from the Josephine County Democratic and Josephine County Republican parties.
This event is open to all political affiliations. Students and the public are welcome to attend, with a focus on encouraging everyone to exercise their right to vote.
This event is organized and sponsored by RCC Rainbow Club, Redwood Campus, RWC Student Center.