How much should people or organizations be allowed to contribute to campaigns for Oregon legislators, Governor, and other statewide officers? State legislators, including Senator Jeff Golden of Oregon Senate District 3, are traveling the state to see what Oregon citizens think.
Oregon is one of only four states with no contribution limits on state political races. The 2019 legislative session produced SJR 18, which places on the November 2020 ballot a proposal to amend the Oregon constitution to make clear that the legislature, local governments and the people through the initiative process have the power to regulate campaign financing. What isn’t settled is what the limits would actually be if voters approve the ballot measure. We are now gathering citizen input that will help us draft a limitations bill for the February 2020 session.
The first public hearing will be held on Wednesday, September 4, 2019, 7 – 8:30 pm at the Medford Main Branch Library, 205 S. Central, Medford
If Money in Politics is a key issue for you, we hope to see you there. Spoken comments will probably be limited to 1½ -2 minutes. Written comments are also welcome.