Join the Big Blue Wave up in the Green Springs with GREAT LIVE MUSIC, TASTY FOOD and OUR CANDIDATES on Sunday, September 9!
Meet the folks we’re working hard to elect this November:
Jamie McLeod-Skinner for Oregon
Jeff Golden for State Senate
Representative Pam Marsh
Michelle Blum Atkinson for Oregon State Representative
Lanita Witt for County Commissioner
Amy Thuren for County Commissioner
Enjoy music from the valley’s best musicians including:
Greg Frederick
Bret Levick
Sage Meadows
Bekkah McAlvage
Dirk Price
Phoenix Sigalove
In addition, ORD2 Indivisible will have a table at this event. We’ll even have a new supply of our popular Blue Wave t-shirts! Make sure to visit us while you enjoy the entertainment and learn more about our great candidates.
FREE ADMISSION: Donations to the candidates is strongly encouraged. Proceeds from food and beverages will benefit our candidates. Bring the whole family! Music, barbecue and progressive politics starting at 2:00 p.m. and ending when the cows come home.