LWVRV will be holding the YES on 101 program on 12/14/17. The event will take place at the Medford Library, 11:30 a.m. to about 1 p.m. The press and public will be invited. A NO vote on Ballot Measure 101 would reverse the Medicaid expansion in Oregon, stop the Cover All Kids program, and eliminate the state’s reinsurance program which would drive up health insurance premiums for many families. Ballots will be mailed on January 3rd for the January 23, 2018 special election.
This program will be a centerpiece of our Get Out the Vote & Vote YES on 101 campaign. We wish to provide background to our members and the public on Ballot Measure 101’s potential impacts if a YES vote fails. Invited speakers include: Dr. Barbara Klein on roles of LWV (confirmed), Peter Buckley, consultant to Governor Brown on budget issues (confirmed) Sen. Alan DeBoer (yet to confirm), and Dr. David Gilmour (confirmed) on their reasons for supporting Measure 101.