Become a Neighborhood Leader!
The Jackson County Democrats’ Neighborhood Leader Program is creating a progressive grassroots Get Out the Vote network (currently 160 strong), one neighbor at a time. This all volunteer effort is dedicated to increasing progressive voter turnout in 2018 and beyond. We know we can change the direction of our democracy through this important grass roots effort.
Join us on Saturday, December 16, 2017, 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., at the Oregon Education Association Building, 2495 S. Pacific Highway, Medford, OR 97504. Learn how to effectively get out the vote for Yes on Measure 101. Help win the first election of 2018 and save healthcare for 400,000 Oregonian kids, seniors and the disabled.
The program is simple. The whole idea is to get as many progressive voters as possible to fill out and send in their ballots.
• Talk to progressives in your neighborhood. You will be provided with a list of about 35 homes right around your house. On average, this would account for about 50 voters.
• Knock on doors of your neighbors during our Get Out the Vote effort from January 2 to Election Day, January 23. Canvass on your schedule when it makes sense to you and to your neighbors.
• Develop a relationship with your progressive neighbors. Thank them for voting in the past. Ask them to vote YES on Measure 101. Ask them to vote before January 23 when the polls close at 5:00 p.m.
Talking to your neighbors is the best way to turn out votes. Nothing else is even close. For example, Deschutes County had a 57.5% progressive voter turnout in neighborhoods that had a Neighborhood Leader in a 2017 special election. The overall turnout for Democrats in that election was 28.5%. This method works!!
Speaking face-to-face with your fellow voters is a time-honored and proven way to win elections. Even in our world, which is so influenced by social media and other new technologies, no other method comes close to effectiveness in getting out the vote.
SIGN UP NOW at or contact Joyce Chapman, , 541.944.0870; or Allen Hallmark, , 541.897.0135