Congress must hear us loud and clear telling them to #DefundHate.
Join us on Tuesday, September 10 at Vogel Plaza from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. and sign our demand to Congress to take action to stop funding hate and cruelty by reducing the ICE & CBP budget to 2016 levels, eliminating their ability to steal funds from other agencies, and voting no on any Appropriations Bill or Continuing Resolution that doesn’t include these two items.
From the Canadian border to the Mexican border, we’re getting together to sign our Border to Border with Love petition banner as it makes its way from Blaine, WA to San Diego, CA, where we will join together with Native, Indivisible and local leaders for a final rally on Friday, September 13th to #DefundHate.
After we sign the banner here locally, we will create a video to demand Greg Walden act now. We’re asking every one of our members to tweet, call and tag Greg Walden demanding him to represent our values by voting to #DefundHate.