U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley Town Hall – Gilliam County

Veterans Memorial Hall 120 S. Main St., Condon, OR, United States

Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley will kick off 2020 with 12 town halls across Southern and Central Oregon. The town halls will be January 2 through 5, in Douglas, Coos, Curry, Josephine, Jackson, Klamath, Deschutes, Jefferson, Crook, Wheeler, Grant, and Gilliam counties. He will update constituents on his work in Washington, D.C., and answer their […]

CANCELED: U.S. Senator Ron Wyden Gilliam County Town Hall – Condon

Veterans Memorial Hall 120 S. Main St., Condon, OR, United States

Senator Wyden pledges open-to-all town meetings in each county in Oregon each year he serves in the Senate. Wyden has held 966 meetings where he refrains from speeches, listens to the concerns of Oregonians, and answers questions. Take advantage of this opportunity to share your thoughts, concerns and hopes with Senator Wyden. Senator Wyden's Gilliam […]