Non ORD2 Sponsored Event: Get Out The Vote Launch Meeting – Medford

Oregon Education Association (OEA) Building 2495 South Pacific Highway, Medford, OR, United States

This meeting is for all participants in the Neighborhood Leader Program.  Literature prepared for the 2018 Oregon primary election will be distributed to all Neighborhood Leaders.  Training will be provided regarding a "Get Out The Vote Script" created to assist us as we encourage those on our lists to VOTE in the primary election.

Non ORD2 Sponsored Event: Get Out The Vote Launch Meeting – Ashland

Ashland Public Library 410 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, United States

This meeting is for all participants in the Neighborhood Leader Program.  Literature prepared for the 2018 Oregon primary election will be distributed to all Neighborhood Leaders.  Training will be provided regarding a "Get Out The Vote Script" created to assist us as we encourage those on our lists to VOTE in the primary election. This […]